Saturday, March 30, 2013

10,100,000 JAMMERS!

Hi, Ellessar77 here sorry i have not been posting i just went on a over night feild trip and... something really bad happened D: I was on the top bunk and i was sleepwalking, and........ i fell off. The teacher found me on a ball on the floor still sleeping. All i remember is loosing a tooth then everything going dark. When i woke up it was 1:00 in the morning and i had blood up to my elbows and all over my face. :(  Anyways! Animal jam now has......... 10,100,000 JAMMERS!!!!! YAY :D

Egg hunt iz back!!!

Hey jammers!! Remember last year the egg hunt?? Well, it's back and there is a new cool prize. A nest of eggs!If you click on each egg baby animals come out.SOOOO cute!!! Anyways, here is a picture.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

a AWESOME den!

I found this awesome den! All it has in it is leaves, its awesome! But for some reason it wont let me load the picture :(    But, if you want to see the den their user is LeafPiles. :D